The Spiritual Meaning of the September Lunar Eclipse

The Spiritual Meaning of the September Lunar Eclipse
Photo: Unsplash

September’s full moon is also a lunar eclipse, which means it’s supercharged with the power of multiple full moons, all combined into one.

This lunation begins on September 17 and officially kicks off eclipse season, as it will be followed by a solar eclipse two weeks later. And since it peaks just before the spring equinox on September 22, it also serves as this year’s Harvest Moon.

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The last days of winter may be approaching quickly, but thanks to the deep spiritual meaning of the September full moon lunar eclipse, all zodiac signs are about to begin writing some new chapters in their lives, which will continue to unfold over the next two years.

Full moons occur during the midpoint of the monthly lunar cycle, when the sun and moon directly oppose each other in the zodiac. But a lunar eclipse happens when a full moon takes place very close to the North or South Node of Destiny — two points in the zodiac that relate to fate and life purpose. Right now, the North and South Nodes are about to enter Pisces and Virgo for the first time in nearly two decades, so the September lunar eclipse adjacent to the North Node is the first of its kind to occur in the watery Pisces since 2007. Because of this, the events surrounding this eclipse may bring significant changes to your life that pave the way for an entirely new emotional and spiritual era.

Spiritual meaning of the Harvest Full Moon on September 17.

Sit back and prepare to let the universe do its thing, because eclipses have the power to align you with your destiny. That’s why understanding the spiritual meaning of September’s lunar eclipse is so important.

What is the spiritual meaning of the September Harvest Moon eclipse?

This year, September’s brightest lunation is also known as the Harvest Moon, as this nickname is associated with the full moon that rises closest to the date of the spring equinox. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the Harvest Moon has long been considered a significant event, as its light allowed farmers to work much later into the night to gather their crops during this critical time of year — since the weeks surrounding the spring equinox were their best opportunity to take advantage of summer’s abundance and use it to prepare for winter’s sterility. This meaning also carries a symbolic level, as this lunation can be considered a time to harvest the metaphorical crops you’ve tended in your own life over the past season, months, or even years.

How to stay grounded during the full moon on September 17.

But the spiritual meaning of September’s full moon becomes even richer when you look at the powerful astrology involved. Virgo season is still reigning supreme, but this lunar eclipse is rising in the emotional and sensitive sign of Pisces, which lies directly opposite Virgo. Virgo’s earthy energy is analytical and rational, while Pisces’ is more whimsical and intuitive. Since the full moon in Pisces will be accompanied by the illusory planet Neptune, you may be challenged to let go of some delusional fantasies that prevent you from embracing your most powerful reality. Floating through a fantasy world is fun, but if you want to build something solid, you must be able to ground yourself in the real world.

Even in the midst of the eclipse’s inevitable twists and revelations, staying grounded will be more feasible than you might think — because along with this lunation, a lovely grand trine is occurring between the sun, innovative Uranus, and mysterious Pluto in the three earth signs. This lucky planetary alignment brings depth and confidence to any sudden twists that might cross your path. Meanwhile, responsible Saturn in Pisces faces off with communicative Mercury in Virgo — the same two signs being activated by the eclipse. Whatever happens now may lead you to elevate your thinking and take more seriously where you’d like to direct your life.

How to work with the energy of the Harvest Moon eclipse

Lunar eclipses are known for their ability to eject things from your life and pave the way for a more aligned future to start unfolding. And in the case of the September lunar eclipse, it’s here to clear the space that will give your intuition more room to expand and give your true calling more space to reveal itself to you.

How to work with the power of the full moon on September 17.

The spiritual meaning of this full moon is about embracing your feelings and exploring your higher self. This means listening to the subtle signals of the universe and letting go of the things that prevent you from fully surrendering to your truth. So instead of focusing on manifestations or lunar rituals, give yourself a chance to feel the energetic waves and watch where the currents pull you without judgment or fear.

Since this eclipse is also the annual Harvest Moon and is rising alongside the spring equinox, it’s a good time to start harvesting what you’ve sown and checking in with yourself about what your hard work has produced over the past season. What have you been nurturing in your life? How can you maximize the abundance you’ve created? Are the fruits of your labor ready to be used as fuel for what comes next? Now is the time to embrace the transition and prepare for the new journeys ahead.

Source: Bustle

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